Practically Perfect PA Articles
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Practically Perfect PA’s mission is to provide Personal and Executive Assistants, Administrative Professionals, and Executive Support with world-class training, articles, and online events for experienced professionals, so they reach their full potential.
We strive to equip our readers with the proper knowledge and resources to build a successful and trusting relationship between themselves and their Executives. Our guides contain valuable tips on improving personal productivity, professional development and work-life balance. With this, we aim to empower our community to become the best possible Assistants they can be.
The Practically Perfect PA blog posts contains hundreds of articles addressing the needs of today’s EAs and PAs, helping them stay up-to-date on the latest trends in their field. At Practically Perfect PA, we understand that figuring out how to reach your full potential as an Assistant can be daunting and overwhelming. That’s why we strive to make it easier by providing high-quality content geared towards all levels of experience – whether you are just getting started, looking for a promotion or want to freshen up your skillset.
Reading the Practically Perfect PA blog posts can provide several benefits for Assistants. The blog offers practical tips, honest advice and career development support to help aspiring Assistants achieve more in their roles. It also provides insight into how to anticipate the needs of Executives. Additionally, the blog has various video content to help perfect Administrative skills.
10 tips for organising car hire
10 tips for organising car hire If your boss is travelling to many different locations during their business trip it can be a lot more time and cost effective hiring a car [...]
20 do’s and don’ts when travelling with the boss
20 do’s, and dont’s when travelling with the boss Most assistants do not get to travel on business trips with their boss unless they work for high net worth individuals or are [...]
How to ensure your admin improvement projects stick!
How to ensure your admin improvement projects stick! How often are we asked to improve administrative processes without any real guidance on what to do or where to start? Most managers will hire professional [...]
20 do’s and don’ts for team building events
20 do's and don'ts for team building events Over the years I've organised a variety of team building events from week-long forums to after work drinks in the local pub. I would imagine that [...]
How to negotiate when planning an event
How to negotiate when planning an event When I first started to organise events, I hired a fantastic events co-ordinator to do all of the negotiating with the venue and suppliers on my behalf. I [...]
Managing your boss’s emails
20 do's and don'ts for managing your boss's emails Managing your boss's emails is one of the crucial tasks that we, as Assistants, are asked to perform. I remember starting as a PA and [...]
Travel Itineraries
Travel Itineraries for Assistants Well-organised travel itineraries are an essential service that assistants can provide for their managers. Think about all the different bits of paper you have [...]
Routine Check Up
Routine-check-up Earlier this week I was reading an article on how to stay motivated and set routines that enable you to maximise your productivity. I read these types of articles all [...]