Leveraging AI While Showcasing Your Unique Skills as an Assistant

As Assistants, you are now beginning to take those first steps to integrate AI into our workflows, saving a ton of time and automating those mundane tasks. But there is a common concern that many Assistants have: will the personal touch that makes our work so valuable be lost in a world of AI that delivers work at a fast rate but perhaps doesn’t offer that service level we know makes Assistants stand out? The answer lies in finding the right balance between leveraging technology for efficiency and using your unique human skills to add value. Here’s how to go about leveraging AI while showcasing your unique skills as an Assistant. Because:

You can harness AI to handle routine tasks while ensuring your personal touch remains vital to your role.

Daily Checklist for Assistants

Use this checklist to ensure every task you have is managed and executed flawlessly.

Our daily checklist for Executive Assistants is designed to streamline your workflow and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

The importance of the personal touch

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how you leverage AI while showcasing your unique skills as an Assistant, I think it is worth saying that the personal touch you offer as an Assistant is irreplaceable. It’s what makes you stand out and adds a human element to your interactions and tasks. Whether it’s understanding the nuanced preferences of your Executive, providing empathetic support to colleagues, or ensuring a personalised experience for clients, your unique skills and core traits are what make you indispensable and often what makes you stand out from the crowd.

But, and it is a big but, it is so essential for you to leverage AI and get to grips with how technology can help you automate tasks and speed up much of your work. The technology is there to help you become more productive and actually use those core skills you have that you might not have been able to showcase because you’ve been drowning in tasks that AI can now help with.

Leveraging AI for Routine Tasks

So, AI can be a powerful tool to manage routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for more meaningful work. Here are some examples of how AI can assist with everyday Assistant tasks while you maintain the personal touch:

Travel Planning

  • AI’s Role – Use AI tools to find the best travel options, compare prices, and even book flights and accommodations. AI can handle the data-intensive part of travel planning, quickly sifting through countless options to find the best deals.
  • Your Personal Touch – Customise the itinerary based on your Executive’s preferences. For instance, if your Executive prefers certain airlines, hotels, or seating arrangements, your knowledge can tailor the AI-generated options to suit their needs. Additionally, you can add personalised touches, such as arranging a special meal or booking a car service with a preferred driver.

Email Management

  • AI’s Role – AI can filter and prioritise emails, draft responses, and even sort through your inbox to identify important messages. Tools like Microsoft’s Cortana or Google’s Smart Compose can draft emails and suggest responses.
  • Your Personal Touch – Review and refine AI-drafted emails to ensure they convey the right tone and message. Personalise responses to reflect the unique relationship you have with each recipient. For instance, adding a personal greeting or addressing specific concerns that AI might overlook.

Meeting Scheduling

  • AI’s Role – Use AI to automate meeting scheduling, find mutually available times across different calendars, and send out invitations. Tools like Clara or Calendly can manage scheduling tasks seamlessly.
  • Your Personal Touch—Ensure the meeting agenda is tailored to the participants. Confirm that all necessary materials are prepared and accessible. Follow up with personalised notes or reminders that reflect your understanding of each participant’s priorities and needs.

Data Entry and Report Generation

    • AI’s Role – Automate data entry and the generation of routine reports. AI can quickly compile data, create charts, and summarise information, saving you hours of manual work.
    • Your Personal Touch – Analyse the AI-generated reports to provide insights and recommendations. Your ability to interpret data within your organisation’s goals and strategies is invaluable. Use your expertise to highlight key findings and suggest actionable steps.

Showcasing your unique value

As we can see from these examples, let AI handle mundane tasks and use your unique skills and personal touch to drive your value. But, as I often say, it is essential that you show your work. You can’t just be good – you must be known to be good! Here are some strategies to ensure your contribution remains visible and impactful even when you are using AI to fast-track your tasks.

Build strong relationships

Use the time saved by AI to deepen your relationships with colleagues and executives. Personal interactions, empathy, and understanding cannot be replicated by machines.

Grow your creativity

Focus on creative tasks that require human ingenuity, such as organising events, developing strategic initiatives, or crafting personalised communications.

Demonstrate emotional intelligence

AI cannot understand and respond to emotions. Use your emotional intelligence to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, resolve conflicts, and provide support.

Provide Strategic Input

Use AI-generated data and insights to inform your strategic thinking. Your ability to contextualise and align information with organisational goals is critical.

Stay Updated with AI Capabilities:

Continuously learn about new AI tools and features. By staying ahead of technological advancements, you can identify new opportunities to automate routine tasks, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Balancing technology and human interaction is the key to thriving in a modern Assistant role. By leveraging AI for routine tasks, you free up time to focus on areas where your personal touch and unique skills make the most impact. Embrace the efficiency of AI while showcasing your creativity, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking. This balance ensures that you remain an invaluable asset to your organization, demonstrating both technological adeptness and irreplaceable human qualities.

Ready to enhance your skills further and master the balance between tech and touch? Enroll in the Digital Assistant Bootcamp today and take the next step in becoming an indispensable, future-ready assistant.