Communicate with clarity and confidence

Communicate with clarity and confidence

Elevate your communication skills, foster stronger relationships, and step into your power as a confident communicator.

Does this sound like you?

“I often hesitate before speaking up in meetings because I’m unsure of how to phrase my thoughts.”

It takes me ages to draft a simple message to my Executive or team. I re-read and revise it multiple times, doubting its clarity.”

“I feel that my spoken communication doesn’t convey my ideas as effectively as it should. It sounds better in my mind!

“I’ve tried to voice my suggestions and concerns, but it feels like I’m not being heard or taken seriously.

“Despite spending a lot of time preparing for presentations, the feedback suggests they aren’t engaging or clear.”

“Every time I need to address a concern or provide feedback, I freeze or stumble over my words.

I have so many ideas and contributions to share, but the fear of miscommunication holds me back.”

The silence after I communicate is disheartening. I put forward ideas or ask questions, and there’s minimal response.”

You’re not alone! Many Assistants grapple with these challenges daily. Being in a role that demands effective communication with various stakeholders, it’s essential to convey thoughts with clarity and confidence. Our Confident Communicator Course is tailored to help Assistants like you overcome these hurdles and transform your communication skills.

More than 5000 Assistants and businesses worldwide have enrolled on a Practically Perfect PA course

What is the Confident Communicator Online Course?

The Confident Communicator Online Course is a comprehensive training program specifically designed for Assistants who aim to refine and enhance their communication skills.

In the modern workplace, where clear and effective communication is paramount, this course equips Assistants with the tools, strategies, and insights they need to stand out and make a lasting impact.

  • Workbooks included with every module

  • Video-based lectures with world-leading tutors

  • Copy-and-paste swipe files, checklists, resources & templates

  • Questionnaires and surveys you can work through with your Executive

  • Certificate delivered on completion of the course


You can communicate in a way that’s authentic to your voice, making people resonate with and value what you contribute.

You can convey ideas that are genuine, true to your style, assertive without being aggressive, and persuasive without being overpowering.


  • Every time I communicate an idea or proposal, it’s met with overwhelming approval. My input is eagerly awaited in every meeting!”

  • Any time there’s a change or a new project, I can confidently convey the message without waiting for external help or guidance.”

  • I’m producing more comprehensive reports and presentations in half the time!”

  • Feedback on my communication has improved exponentially. My Executives and peers are constantly praising my clarity and effectiveness!”
  • People from different departments are reaching out, expressing their appreciation for my effective communication during collaborative projects.”

  • I’ve finally taken the lead on major projects, confidently communicating and guiding the team to success!”

…all achieved in less time than it takes to finish a season of your favourite series (and with career growth that’s off the charts).

The Confident Communicator

Everything you need to convey ideas that resonate and drive action — Guaranteed. The Confident Communicator is the acclaimed online program designed to elevate your communication skills, ensuring you express yourself confidently and effectively, every time.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to…

  • Communicate more effectively

    No more ruminating over the perfect way to phrase your thoughts in a team meeting or an email. With a suite of practical techniques, real-world examples, and unique exercises, you’ll be articulating your ideas with ease, in less time, and with greater impact.

  • Express with clarity & precision

    Say goodbye to ambiguous messages and unclear directives. You’ll master the art of conveying your thoughts with crystal clarity, ensuring your voice is both heard and understood.

  • Speak confidently & consistently

    Gone are the days of postponing that presentation or hesitating to share your insights in a meeting. You’ll be prepared to communicate the moment a situation demands — free from self-doubt and second-guessing.

  • Influence without intimidation

    In the office, there are colleagues and superiors who need your expertise and insights. We’ll equip you with the skills to persuade and inspire them through genuine, compelling communication that drives action.

Words of praise from past students

They did it. So can you.

What will you learn in The Confident Communicator?

Whether you’re looking to be more influential in meetings, collaborate more effectively with your Executive, or simply convey ideas with precision, the Confident Communicator Course is your roadmap to success.

Understand and Master Workplace Communication

In any professional setting, the power of clear, effective communication cannot be understated. For Assistants, this skill is paramount, given the diverse roles you play in bridging communication gaps and ensuring seamless workflow. The Confident Communicator Course delves into the very core of this skill.

  • Learn strategies that underpin different types of workplace interactions.

  • Equip yourself with tools and templates, like the Assistant job description and the Assistant elevator pitch, to increase your visibility and purpose within the organisation.

Crafting Your Unique Communication Identity

With a comprehensive understanding of your personality and communication preferences, Assistants can confidently navigate diverse professional landscapes, ensuring their voice is both heard and valued. 

  • Delve into managing emotions during professional interactions, balancing internal powers like intuition and external factors like relationships.

  • Harness the strength of your unique communication style using tools like the OPRAS Model and insights into personality and communication preferences.

Developing and Refining Core Communication Skills

By the end of The Confident Communicator, Assistants will be adept at harnessing the full spectrum of communication tools, ensuring clarity, confidence, and impact in every interaction.

  • Master the art of non-verbal cues, active listening, and effective written communication.
  • Understand the power of asking the right questions to extract the information you need.

Evolving with Advanced Communication Techniques

With strategies to prepare for and navigate challenging conversations and insights into leveraging the sheer potency of words, Assistants will emerge from this course as adept communicators, ready to face any challenge with confidence and clarity.

  • Learn to adapt and resonate with various communication styles, building genuine connections across diverse teams.
  • Overcome common barriers to effective communication, preparing for difficult conversations, and harnessing the power of words in the Assistant role

BONUS: On-going support inside The EA Campus Community

As a Confident Communicator student, you also have access to our monthly private mentorship call with Nicky Christmas, which is only open to course students.

You also have access to The EA Campus Community, our private online community for Assistants. Ask questions, get feedback, and meet fellow Assistants. Usually priced at £175 | $210 | €205 | AUD230 per year, The EA Campus is free for one year for The Confident Communicator online course students.

Get Started Now

One-time purchase

Don’t let budget approval stop you from enrolling

If you want to take the course but are unsure how to ask your Executive or L&D department to cover the cost of the course, don’t worry, we have you covered. Download our course brochure and business case. Both documents have helped 100s of Assistants ask their organisations to cover the course fees and enrol in the Confident Communicator online course.

      The Full Confident Communicator Curriculum

      We give you the exact plan to elevate your communication skills.

      • Why is communication important in the workplace?
      • TEMPLATE: Mastering Different Types of Workplace Communication
      • The seven Cs of communication
      • Increasing visibility in the Assistant role (6:34)
      • The Assistant Elevator Pitch
      • TEMPLATE: Assistant job description
      • BONUS: Reclaim your purpose (22:24)
      • Self-awareness for Assistants (04:20)
      • Quiz: How do others perceive your communication style?
      • Managing Emotions in Professional Interactions
      • Internal Power – Intuition, Knowledge, and Resilience (10:21)
      • External Powers – Magnetism, Relationships and Assertiveness (11:45)
      • TEMPLATE: Utilising the OPRAS Model
      • Harnessing the Power of Your Strengths (21:17)
      • TEMPLATE: Communication preferences
      • BONUS: Building Your Personal Brand (22:17)
      • Developing your professional communication skills (10.23)
      • Non-verbal communication
      • Active listening for Assistants (13:34)
      • PROCESS: Process for Assistants to clarify doubts
      • Improving your written communications (06:39)
      • CHEAT SHEET: Simplifying language – examples
      • Asking questions and getting the information you need (13:41)
      • Why it is important to ask questions in the Assistant role (03:32)
      • CHEAT SHEET: Using questions to communicate with clarity
      • Writing effective emails (28:38)
      • CASE STUDY: communicating with clarity and confidence (43:11)
      • Why Communication Flexibility is Vital for Assistants
      • Building trust and relationships
      • Communicating boundaries in the Assistant role (24:32)
      • CHECKLIST: Assessing your current boundaries
      • PROCESS: Understanding your organisation’s language, Jargon and Acronyms
      • TEMPLATE: Clarifying Questions
      • BONUS: How to communicate with anyone! (25:15)
      • Considering confidence as a skill (18:29)
      • Using the five Ps to improve engagement in your communications (03:14)
      • Confidence is key for Assistants (04:15)
      • How to be a more assertive speaker
      • Hard no’s vs. soft no’s (05:18)
      • Pushing back on non-urgent requests (03:24)
      • PROCESS: Communicating ‘no’
      • Communicating your achievements (05:18)
      • Case study: Building confidence (04:51)
      • BONUS: How to be visibly brilliant (24:50)
      • BONUS: Self-Promotion for Assistants (18:56)
      • Understanding communication styles (21:11)
      • Communication and diversity
      • Understand Other Points of View
      • Assumptions, Expectations, and Perspectives (17:43)
      • Building rapport and making connections (43:36)
      • Listening Tour: A Strategic Exercise for Assistants
      • TEMPLATE: Rapport-building questions
      • CHEAT SHEET: Communicating with clarity and confidence – 100 examples
      • BONUS: What do you do? Increasing your visibility (20:56)
      • TEMPLATE: Rapport building questions
      • Landing Your Messages
      • A deeper look at questions
      • Building Empathy
      • Communicating feedback (07:08)
      • Speaking like a leader (21:04)
      • The power of repeat (21:28)
      • BONUS: Developing your Executive presence (34:08)
      • The problem with communication (02:15)
      • How to engage in consistent and constant communication about your needs (14:35)
      • Case Study: Staying in the loop with a busy Executive (03:59)
      • The power of words in the Assistant role (02:19)
      • Focus and Feedback (27:17)
      • How to network without feeling awkward (06:10)
      • PROCESS: Preparing for a difficult conversation with your Executive
      • CHEAT SHEET: Providing Feedback to Executives
      • BONUS: The opportunity in conflict – How to have hard conversations (46:17)
      • Building your confidence to speak in meetings (08:32)
      • Do you wonder what to say in meetings? (06:16)
      • Speaking publicly with confidence and clarity
      • Case Study: Building your business acumen (05:01)
      • The OPRAHS method (05:23)
      • CHECKLIST: Effective Assistant and Executive Meetings Schedule
      • BONUS: Cultivating confidence to lead a room (26:29)
      • QUIZ: Understanding Your Executive’s Communication and Working Style
      • Effective communications with your Executive (30:57)
      • Communication strategies with your Executive (09:08)
      • TEMPLATE: The Communication agreement between an Assistant and an Executive
      • CHECKLIST: Communication Protocols with your Executive
      • Understanding and communicating expectations (08:31)
      • CHECKLIST: Effective Communication for Assistant and Executive Collaboration
      • CHECKLIST: Authority and Decision-Making
      • TEMPLATE: Performance Expectation Agreement
      • Case Study: Tactical Communication with Your Executive (09:13)
      • Case Study: Building communication chemistry with your Executive (06:34)
      • The A.B.I.D.E. model (27:09)
      • Accommodation Without Sacrificing “You”
      • Collaboration Strategies
      • Making use of dictation in your communications (01:37)
      • Building Trust: Interdependence, Common Goals, & Common Enemies
      • BONUS: Creating a user manual for your Executive (22:49)
      • Communication Trends for Assistants (21:15)
      • Remote and Hybrid Work Environments
      • Your digital dress code – Communicating online (25:44)
      • Getting what you want every time you hit send (23:30)
      • BONUS: The future of work and how you win (35:39)

      One more thing…

      In the fast-paced business arena, an Assistant’s voice is pivotal—your communication can propel you to new heights or leave you struggling to keep up. Your role is critical, and the effectiveness of your messaging can influence the success of entire projects and teams.

      We’re here to elevate your communication game. Whether it’s drafting impeccable emails, managing complex schedules, or negotiating on behalf of your team, The Confident Communicator online course is designed with your unique challenges in mind.

      Implement the techniques you learn with us, and you’ll experience first-hand the doors that excellent communication opens. Should our course not meet your expectations, rest assured, your investment is secure. But we’re confident in your potential and the efficacy of our curriculum. We expect you’ll not only meet your communication objectives but surpass them, becoming an indispensable linchpin in your organisation.

      Your journey to becoming a master communicator is just a click away—seize the opportunity to write a new future for yourself as The Confident Communicator.


      Proven Track Record

      We have been training Assistants for 12 years, with over 50,000 students from 80+ countries attending our training and enrolling on our courses. There’s a reason we’ve launched thousands of successful careers over the last decade.


      An Action Plan

      We provide a blueprint proven for success in the Assistant role. Our online courses give our students key learnings, solutions, and how to reach their goals and ambitions. We teach practical techniques that make a difference.


      Learn From the Best

      The Confident Communicator Online Course contains lectures from world-leading authorities in the Assistant industry, high-performing Assistants and quality mentors and coaches.


      Money Back Guaranteed

      We are confident that our online course will advance your career. However, if you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund.

      About the Head Coach

      I’m Nicky. I launched Practically Perfect PA in October 2011. It has since become the go-to resource for Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants, Office Managers and Administrative Professionals at all levels of business seeking support, information and guidance in their chosen profession.

      Practically Perfect PA offers practical tips, honest advice and career development support specifically for Assistants.

      Since 2015 we have organised events, virtual summits and online courses for over 50,000 assistants worldwide. So it is fair to say the Assistant role has changed significantly, and I am so proud that Practically Perfect PA has been part of the journey for over a decade.

      Get Started Now

      One-time purchase





      Have Questions? We have answers.

      Get answers to make the best choice for you.

      When does the course start and finish?

      The course starts now and never ends! It is a self-paced online course – you decide when to start and finish.

      What’s the time commitment?

      The online course contains 11 modules with over 20 hours of video content. Therefore, we recommend that students study a module per week and complete the course over 11 weeks.

      What if I am unhappy with the course?

      We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, and completed less than 10% of the course, contact us in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund.

      Can my organisation pay by invoice?

      Yes, get in touch with us. We will send you an invoice for the course. We also offer discounts for teams of Assistants.

      How long do I have access to the course?

      When you sign up for the training, you’ll also gain lifetime access to all the downloadable resources and recorded video training. This way, you can revisit the course at your own pace and at your convenience.

      Will the course work for me if I am outside the UK?

      Absolutely! We have many Assistants from all over the world who have completed the course. The strategies you’ll learn in The Confident Communicator Course are universally applicable.