Trusting Your Intuition as an Assistant

How often have you heard the phrase ‘trust your intuition’ or, more simply, ‘go with your gut’? It’s something I’ve heard a lot over the years, particularly when it comes to decision-making and finding the confidence to voice my opinion. I’m sure you’ve been told to trust your intuition, but where do you start and how far do you trust your gut when you work as an Assistant and have a billion things on your plate? In this article, I want to dive into trusting your intuition as an Assistant because I think intuition often serves as an unsung hero in the fast-paced world of administrative support.

I know many Assistants naturally possess a keen sense of intuition, honed through years of lived experience and countless interactions with a broad range of personalities and different levels of leadership. But what exactly is intuition, and how can you leverage it to enhance your visibility, build your confidence, and assert your point of view?

Understanding intuition

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or an instinctive understanding of a situation. It’s that subtle nudge or inner voice guiding you towards a particular decision or action. Far from being “airy-fairy” or “woo-woo,” intuition is deeply rooted in your lived experiences and accumulated knowledge. It’s your subconscious mind drawing on past experiences, patterns, and insights, even when you may not be consciously aware of them.

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Why Assistants excel at intuition

As an Assistant, you are uniquely positioned to develop and rely on your intuition. Remember, your role requires you to be attuned to the needs and preferences of those you support, anticipate potential issues, and respond swiftly to ever-changing circumstances. This constant engagement with people and a whole variety of different situations will sharpen your intuitive abilities. It is worth reiterating that intuition can be honed and improved if you listen to it. You likely have an exceptional knack for reading the room, sensing unspoken needs, and knowing when to act or hold back.

Leveraging intuition for greater visibility

One of the most powerful ways intuition can serve you as an Assistant is by enhancing your visibility within your organisation. Here’s how:

Speak up in meetings

If you have a gut feeling or an idea that comes to you during a meeting, trust that intuition. Your perspective is valuable, and sharing it can demonstrate your insight and foresight. This doesn’t mean speaking for the sake of it but rather recognising when your intuition nudges you to contribute meaningfully.

Anticipate needs

Use your intuition to foresee the needs of your Executives or team members. Whether you prepare documents in advance, arrange meetings before they are requested, or suggest innovative solutions, your ability to anticipate can set you apart as an indispensable asset.

Read the room

Intuition helps you gauge the dynamics in a room. Are tensions running high? Is there an unspoken consensus? By tuning into these subtle cues, you can navigate interactions more effectively, ensuring that your contributions are timely and appropriate. You can also feed this back to your Executive after the meeting so that they know what has been left unsaid.

Building confidence through intuition

Another aspect of trusting your intuition as an Assistant is that it can significantly boost your confidence.

Here’s why.

Recognising that your intuition is grounded in lived experience validates your expertise and judgment. This acknowledgement can bolster your self-assurance, knowing that your instincts are informed and reliable. There is a reason you are good at your job, deserve a seat at the table alongside your Executive and should consider yourself an expert in Executive Assistance. This is your area of expertise, and your intuition is informed by what you have seen and heard over many years in this role.

Acting on your intuition allows you to make decisions more swiftly and with greater confidence. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the more you reinforce its reliability, creating a positive feedback loop that enhances your overall confidence.

And lastly, when you honour your intuition, you present yourself more authentically. This authenticity will resonate with others, which in turn means they will start to trust you and respect what you have to offer. That authenticity will take you much further than you might think and really help build professional relationships in your career.

Sharing your point of view

This brings me to my last point about trusting your intuition in the Assistant role. Intuition can also empower you to share your point of view more effectively. It can be daughting sharing your point of view , particularly when you are in a room full of colleagues who maybe more senior that you. It brings me back to my first point, you have a ton of experience to lean into and listen to – your intuition will guide you to:

Make grounded insights

Your intuitive insights are often the result of collating vast amounts of information and experience. When you share these insights, they are typically well-rounded and deeply considered, adding substantial value to discussions.

Proactively Engage

When you lean into your intuition, it encourages you to engage proactively rather than reactively. By trusting your gut, you can offer solutions and ideas that might not be immediately obvious but are highly beneficial in the long run.

Provide a balanced perspective

Your intuition will help you balance logic with empathy, offering perspectives that are both rational and human-centred. This balanced approach can enrich decision-making processes, ensuring that all angles are considered. Again, this is something that will really benefit your team and your Executive.

As an Assistant, your intuition is a powerful tool that can enhance your visibility, build your confidence, and enable you to share your point of view effectively. It’s about trusting that inner voice, recognising it as a product of your rich experiences, and honouring it in your professional interactions. So next time you get a gut feeling or an instinctive idea, embrace it. Your intuition is not just a fleeting thought—it’s a testament to your expertise and lived experience. Believe in it, honour it, and let it guide you to greater professional success.

To further develop your intuition and other essential skills, consider enrolling in The Assistant Mindset online course. This comprehensive program is designed to empower Assistants with the mindset, tools, and strategies needed to excel in their roles. Visit The Assistant Mindset to learn more and take the next step in your professional journey.